Dec 30, 2012

Quickies 2

Welcome to the second edition of Quickies

The idea is still simple. I try to open a tweet or two of mine to a deeper analysis of life.

"Perfection is to weather imperfection."

The biggest problem with a lot of people is that they're always searching and aiming for the 100% solution. What I like to call the unattainable goal. Dont get me wrong I'm all for going for perfection but the truth is that people are imperfect. Also life is imperfect. I'm also not saying that you shouldn't thrive and go for perfection but instead that you should take into account the imperfections surrounding you.

This can be seen best with politics. A lot of time people in politics are searching for the flaws of plans and legistlation instead oftrying to look the positive effects of the law or decisions. You can always see problems or possible side effects with every choise. Even by doing nothing you harm something or someone somewhere.

To get this blog post to a more positive side I would like to return to the tweet itself:

Perfection as I see it is taking the most out of the current situation. If you can do that your quite far ahead of most people who are trying to come up with a perfect plan...

Happy new year to everyone!

My year changes in Tallinn. Hope you get to change yours with many awesome people!

See you in 2013!

Dec 20, 2012

Quickies I


First lesson learned from blogging: It's bloody hard. Not hard as in way hard to do. More importantly it's hard to start.

So here's my revival for the blog:

I (prodly) present: Quickie I (as in quickie one, not quickie I)

The idea is simple: I pick few different tweets I've tweeted during the week and I try to open more of the ideas and thoughts behind them. This way I'll be writing this on a aweekly basis and habit myself for this new habit.

Here we go! Let's start with an easy one:

"Simple doesn't mean easy. It never did. Greatest things are simple but require a lot of work. #success #leadership"

Simplicity is something what a lot of people see as easy. The more I learn it seems to be the other way around. If you really want to create something truly and amazingly simple it takes a lot of time and most importantly effort. It's simple to train and run a marathon. The big difference is who actually makes it. The more you do in life the more you realize that the simpler the path is the harder it seems.

For something to be simple yet well designed, it needs a lot of chaos and creativity.

At least that's my take. How do you see simpilicity?

ps. big thanks for this post go out to Kaisa. Have fun in the north!