What are limits and who is responsible for them. Especially during last week due to Red Bull Stratos and the accomplishments of Felix Baumgartner I've been thinking limits even more than normal. Limitlesness is something many people dream of in one from or another. It can be ones freedom from financial limits or from a medical condition.
The most important thing about all limits is usually the most simple question: Who is the one who is limiting or creating your limits. It can be someone else, a parent, a co-worker, a boss or even your spouse. Limit is something you are aware of that hinders you. But the one thing you have to take into an account while considering these outside limits is noteworthy. 99% of the time these "limits" are words. And words as a rule of thumb weigh nothing. Don't get me wrong. Words can create or destroy many things. But the words that matter are also always followed by actions.
So in short actions are the things that matter. So the next time someone is telling you that you won't be able to do this or that pay no heed. Nod politely and let their comments either leave freely from your mind or better yet make those words act as fuel for your dreams and goals. Nothing like showing someone who is using only words with your actions.
"I did it!" Holds two great perspectives: I as in me. Most of the time you need others to support you but also you are the driving force. (We did it is also magnificent for the same reasons.) The other one is doing is actually in tense form. The deed is done and no one can take it away from you till the end of time. Savior it.
"What would you be if you could be anyone or anything you could?"
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