Apr 24, 2013

Quickies 3

Quickies are a mini blog series which I'm starting to get going as fast as possible. Here you will find a short opener for a tweet of mine. This weeks quickie is about the real need of customers.

does not care about your execution. They care about how you deliver your execution for them.

First of all I'd like everyone to take a sec and think about who your customer is. As in who do you provide velue to. It isn't about who is paying to you. For example a teachers customer is not the school. School is a "secondary customer" in terms of value.

Now once you have your ideal and or worst case scenario customer in mind think again. Do you deliver. This is an easy question when you think about it for a while. If the customers you serve seem to be confused or ask a lot of questions it's usually a sign of not delivering. Also note that some times the customer is blinded by the execution of your work that they don't care about delivery. But in the long run they'll start to think about it also.

So next time you are with a client/customer ask this question: "Did I tell you clearly what we are delivering to you?" If the customer can't give you a good answer you could've done better. But if they give you a good answer you've reached the point below...

Photo is Creative Commons license from: http://www.flickr.com/photos/lukaszzelezny/